by angela@diggingbliss | Mar 15, 2013 | Uncategorized
I was so happy to discover that there’s an iPad/iPhone version of the heavy, moisture-sensitive but invaluable resource for Western gardeners, the Sunset Western Garden Book. Sunset has teamed up with Inkling to create the digital version of the New Western Garden Book.
I first tried downloading it to my iPhone 4S, but apparently, I lack sufficient storage on my phone. It’ll probably work and fit better when I upgrade to the iPhone 5 with more storage. It did download to my iPad and from what I can see so far, it’s going to be a useful tool at my nursery job and at home. You can search, highlight, take notes, bookmark plants, and there are features that are included in the app that are not in the book.
The app is also compatible with PC and Mac, and includes bonus content such as regional gardening calendars and Inkling-only plant listings. Not to mention, you can share WGB plant entries by e-mail, Facebook, Twitter and a simple hyperlink. This makes me positively giddy.
by angela@diggingbliss | Jan 29, 2013 | Uncategorized
I don’t know if it’s this sudden shift toward Spring-like weather, or the fact that I just bought the house I’ve been renting since my divorce in ’09… and the fact that my fiance is about to shed his money-sucking house that screamed all that was instead of all that we were trying to become… but suddenly, I feel like blogging again!
I was pretty burnt-out on garden blogging and felt like I’d never go back to it because there are simply too many blogs out there on gardening, yoga, cats, cooking, politics, etc., and really, who cares, and what the hell do I have to say about anything anyway, in my now-tiny yard and rental house? When I had a kick ass garden and a lot more free time, blogging was an easy outlet for me. Around the time I fled the big house and garden, Facebook came along replaced the enjoyably distant connectedness that my blog had provided me.
Facebook is still fun, but I can’t seem to quiet that nagging voice in the back of my head saying, “Hey, why are you making Mr. “I’m CEO, Bitch!” Zuckerberg even richer by giving him your words, your friends and family, and your photos?” After happening upon a superb food blog, Pinch of Yum, it got me thinking about going back to blogging. I’m a decent writer, a decent photographer with Photoshop skills, and I am passionate not just about gardening, but food and homemaking and entertaining and humor and integrity and love and run-on sentences, and, yes, goofy animals and… about every four years… I throw in a liberally biased post or two because I’m preoccupied with the election (Yay, Obama!). :-)) (more…)
by angela@diggingbliss | Aug 17, 2012 | Uncategorized
Thursday is my “nursery day”, as in the only day I work at Talini’s these days. During summer, the nursery is extremely busy, often sprouting a line of Radio Flyer wagon-toting customers out the back door. We are fully staffed during that time, so it’s manageable. Ish.
Heading into midsummer, there’s an expected lull and we pare down staff. It’s not a fun transition for me because it takes awhile for staffing to match the lull. Meanwhile, I run around like a chicken with its head cut off, which for me is not a pleasant sensation. Especially when it’s 106 degrees F.
Phones go unanswered… plants wilt (No, not at Talini’s!) … And I don’t get to enjoy the more tranquil and creative aspects of nursery work. Just when it starts to get to me, the lull truly arrives and I can squeeze in more of what I feel like doing instead of what must be done.
Yesterday was the first of those days for me this season. (more…)
by angela@diggingbliss | Jun 24, 2012 | Uncategorized
As a person who learned early on that “putting down roots” can be a rather nebulous concept and inevitably leads to the painful task of yanking those roots, staying in a house long enough to plant things in the ground has taken on exaggerated importance for me. I thought I’d be afforded some degree of stability in my current house in East Sacramento, to which I moved three years ago. Three years isn’t bad, but plans changed.

The divorce that brought me to this house as a middle aged woman was soon followed not by 10 cats, but the boyfriend. Who knew?!!! The boyfriend soon became the fiance. Still is! My one and his two kids are grown or nearly so, so we could make this little 2 br/1 ba 744 sq. ft. “dollhouse” work for the two of us. Except we are not dolls. And we’ve grown accustomed to things like cupboards… and dining rooms. By Manhattan apartment standards, I suppose this place is huge, but one of the benefits of living in Sacramento is affordability and spaciousness of housing. That game room and exercise room we’ve talked about is not just crazy talk to a Sacramentan.
I was initially very excited about the prospect of tending every square inch of this little urban property, but when my initial euphoria wore off and circumstances steered me toward remaining a renter instead of buying the place like I’d planned, I found myself not wanting to garden here. At all. Goodbye garden mojo.
When you don’t know how long you’ll be in a home but want to garden, the notion of growing everything in pots becomes the next logical coping mechanism. Having done the pot thing before in this hot-summer climate where containers often require water twice a day from July-September… I ended up on a gardening strike instead.
The strike felt right for this home & garden limbo state I’d found myself floating around in. The problem is, I’d get swept up in a momentary urge to plant, but it often came at the wrong time. Like last spring, when I wasn’t going to plant a summer veggie garden. Then did. Too late. I got nada for my efforts.
Thinking I’d be in my “real home” by now, I almost didn’t plant a summer garden this year. But the seasonal urge struck at the right time, and I was realizing that I might be in this house longer than I’d anticipated since my man and I had several logistical hurdles to jump before we’d be able to start house hunting. I’m happy to report I got my tomatoes in. Tomatoes were followed by ‘Gold Rush’ zucchini, a few peppers, and most recently, cucumbers and Chinese long beans. I know! Root city, right?! I’m done planting veggies, as far as I know today. (more…)
by angela@diggingbliss | Sep 12, 2011 | Uncategorized
Coop of the Rising Sun |
The City of Sacramento unanimously approved the right for City residents to keep up to three backyard chickens. Hens, to be exact. No cockadoodledoos. And at my workplace, Talini’s Nursery, we just started carrying these wonderful, embellished chicken coops made by Greg and Brian at Two Flew the Coop. (more…)
by angela@diggingbliss | Aug 5, 2011 | Uncategorized
I have more “partial sun” at my house than I care to discuss, but it’s a situation made more tolerable when I find beauties like this dainty, diminutive passion vine. It’ll be planted out front, at the base of my small front porch arbor. I’ve already planted a pretty, peachy pink abutilon on the other side.

(Passiflora sanguinolenta)
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