by angela@diggingbliss | Jan 29, 2015 | Uncategorized
Just got an e-mail from GardenWeb… “The Internet’s Largest Home and Garden Community”… announcing its partnership with Houzz. I’m glad I received this e-mail because for the last several years, I thought GardenWeb was defunct! Not only is it not defunct, the forums are all still there, including one of my faves, California Gardening.
I’m also partial to their Plant Exchange, where years ago I scored my first tree dahlia (Dahlia imperialis) cuttings from a nice man in the Napa area. He got a nice chunk of my Tropicanna Canna. I’d say we both scored…
GardenWeb is also alive and well on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. It’ll be interesting to see where they fit in on Houzz.
by angela@diggingbliss | Dec 22, 2014 | Uncategorized
ing for a location for the new nursery is proving to be an exercise in patience. In other words, I’m champin’ at the bit big time. There’s a lot I can do while waiting for a location. I’m reading up on retailing, Pinning nursery ideas to Pinterest, communicating with my agent, staying up on the nursery biz, and just had a very inspiring meeting with a marketing/branding company.
But I won’t be able to do my thang until a space has been procured. We submitted a Letter of Intent on a particular property, but the broker is slow to respond for some reason. I’m going to start scouting alternate locations right after Christmas. In the meantime… I read… I Pin… I research… I pester my agent… and I Google Meyer lemon recipes. There’s plenty to keep me busy, but what I really want for Christmas is a nursery location.
by angela@diggingbliss | Nov 22, 2014 | Uncategorized

Windmill Nursery, October 2007 (Photo by Cheryl Hawes)
If you participated in my nursery-naming survey, thank you! After the votes were in, we decided to go with Digging Bliss Nursery. We’re still playing around with slogans and branding ideas and all that fun stuff.
Since I already have a WordPress site running on the domain, you will land on the nursery page first, and the blog will be available in the main menu. I’ve been garden blogging since 2004, and I have no intention of stopping now. The only difference is that there will be a lot more nursery-centered excitement to share.
And when I say nursery, I’m referring specifically to a small retail “boutique” nursery in East Sacramento or midtown. I’m negotiating a possible lease in midtown right now. Cross your fingers and toes for me! Thanks.
This venture is a team effort and I’m grateful to have such creative, exuberant people on board. I’ve always loved the feeling that comes over me at my favorite nurseries– that magical combo of relaxation, inspiration, excitement and fun. I’d love to share a few juicy details about the new nursery, but gotta keep my lips zipped for now. Stay tuned.
by angela@diggingbliss | Nov 17, 2014 | Uncategorized
And claiming my blog!
Follow my blog with Bloglovin
by angela@diggingbliss | Aug 6, 2014 | Uncategorized
If anything will make you want to mail a letter… these new Forever Farmers’ Market Stamps from the USPS sure will. They debut tomorrow!

by angela@diggingbliss | Jul 19, 2014 | Uncategorized
Bee Swell’s mission is to promote awareness of the problems our pollinators are facing today, including pesticides and a lack of habitat and food sources, and to encourage bee friendly gardening practices that support these essential members of our garden community.
Free downloadable, Printable Posters!
Here’s the partial list of products Bee Swell recommends avoiding…
Avoid products that contain:
- Acetamidprid
- Clothianidin
- Dinotefuran
- Imidacloprid
- Thiamethoxam
- Foliar spray for garden fruits and vegetables, and ornamental flowers, trees, and shrubs.
- Ortho bug B Gone Garden Insect Killer
- Ortho Flower, Fruit, and Vegetable Insect Killer
- Ortho Rose and Flower Insect Killer
- Ortho Rose Pride Insect Killer
- Granules for turf, and ornamental flowers, shrubs , and trees.
- Bayer Advanced All-In-One Rose & Flower Care granules
- Green Light Grub Control with Arena
- Granules for turf and ornamental flowers, shrubs for trees, soil drench for ornamental flowers, trees, and shrubs.
- Green Light Tree & Shrub Insect Control with Safari 2 G
- Safari
- Ortho Tree & Shrub Insect Control
- Plus Miracle Gro Plant Food
- Foliage spray for turf and ornamental flowers, trees, and shrubs; soil drench for garden fruits and vegetables, ornamental flowers, trees, and shrubs; trunk injection for trees; granules for turf and ornamental flowers, shrubs, or trees.
- Bayer Advanced 3-in-1 Insect Control
- Bayer Advanced 12 Month Tree & Shrub Protect & Feed
- Bayer Advanced Fruit, Citrus & VegetableInsect Control
- Bayer Advanced All-In-One Rose & Flower Concentrate
- DIY Tree Care Products Multi-insect Killer
- Ferti-lome 2-N-1 Systemic
- Hi-Yield Systemic Insect Spray
- Knockout Ready-To-Use Grub Killer
- Monterey Insect Control Once A Year II
- Ortho Bug B Gone-Year Long Tree & Shrub Insect Control
- Surrender Brand GrubZ Out
- Foliage spray for turf and ornamentals, flowers, trees, and shrubs; granules for turf and ornamental flowers, trees and shrubs.
- Amdro Qiuck Kill Lawn & Insect Killer
- Amdro Rose & Flower Care
- Maxide Dual Action Insect Killer