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Nice mention of Digging Bliss from Planet Natural

I got a heads up that national gardening supply catalog Planet Natural had mentioned my blog in their blog. Planet Natural has been around since 1991 selling natural and organic gardening supplies online. They also have a gorgeous brick and mortar store in Bozeman, Montana. I haven’t visited in person yet, but I’ve taken the virtual tour below.

The specific post in which I was mentioned, titled Gardening Blogs: A Growing Community, gives an overview of the sometimes overabundant wealth of gardening information out there… from websites to books to blogs. Blogs the folks at Planet Natural have been perusing lately are “smart and filled with enthusiasm… show what people in other parts of the country (and the world!) are doing… (and) validate our natural approach to growing and shake up our thinking on how to do it.”

I appreciated that they seem to “get me”… my sincerity and passion… and they like my photos! I needed a blogging nudge like this because I tend to post to Facebook much more religiously than to my gardening blog and I really think my Facebook friends getting sick of seeing every little variation of my tulips as they bloom and fade this spring. With fellow garden junkies, I don’t have to feel guilty about over-sharing.

If you ever hear me criticizing people who post too many pictures of their kids or cats or plates of food, just slap me because  even I know I’m really pushing it on Facebook with my incessant flower photos. Planet Natural reminded me that, hey, there’s a Planet Natural… and hey, there are people like me out there who love to garden the “natural way” and who never get sick of talking about or looking at flowers and veggies and the tools and supplies we employ to help them thrive.

NEW River-Friendly Landscape Guidelines Book

There’s an excellent new guide available from the Sacramento Stormwater Quality Partnership teaching river-friendly landscape practices. River-Friendly Landscape Guidelines goes beyond urging water efficiency by incorporating the following objectives:

Landscaping in harmony with the natural conditions of the Sacramento River watershed.

— Reducing waste and recycling materials.
— Nurturing healthy soils while reducing fertilizer use.
— Conserving water, energy and topsoil.
— Using integrated pest management to minimize chemical use.
— Reducing stormwater runoff.
— Creating wildlife habitat.

The guide includes river-friendly checklists, plant lists, photos, diagrams, quotes from local environmental and landscape leaders, and a wealth of printed and online resources. There’s even a guide for hiring a river-friendly landscaper. Don’t be dissuaded by the “… for the Landscape Professional” part of the title. If you do your own landscaping and landscape maintenance, this guide’s for you. If you don’t… make sure your landscaper has a copy or visits the website.

If you want your garden to become a healthy refuge for people and wildlife while reducing waste and eliminating pollutants, River-Friendly Landscape Guidelines will show you the steps you need to take.

Click HERE to order your free copy of River-Friendly Landscape Guidelines and Choosing a Landscape Professional.