Right now, after we’ve had our first real rain, is the perfect time for Californians to go crazy sprinkling wildflower seeds all over the land! I planted California poppies a couple days ago. What will you plant? I’m partial to Renee’s Carefree Annual Wildflowers Scatter Garden
, and the poppies-only mix
. Find the sunniest, most inhospitable part of your yard and sprinkle away.
I planted the poppies (pictured below) in a narrow crack between asphalt and concrete out front at Talini’s Nursery. Just sprinkled and forgot. No water. No work, because Mother Nature took care of the rest.
We may have paved paradise and put up a parking lot, but that doesn’t mean we can’t put a little paradise back into that parking lot!
I’ve also had really good luck with the native CA bulk seed mixes from Peaceful Valley Farm Supply.
Watch this inspiring video!