Days of Flonase and flowers…
The woody little stub of a tree peony cutting that I brought home from the San Francisco Flower and garden show three years ago bloomed and is fully open for the first time today. It’s lovely… and unnamed until I can find the tag.
Just checked my blog archive and discovered that the vendor was The Lily Pad Bulb Farm. Judging from their website, it might be ‘Blue Jewel’.
So much else is blooming as well– tulips, wallflower, Byzantine glads, abutilon, coral bells, African daisies, ceanothus, calandrinia, columbine, blue gilia, etc.
And in other happy news, I found my lost keys! I had been looking “everywhere” for them… except the backyard, where they sat glistening on the teak patio table. The last few months of my life have left me a bit (OK, majorly) discombobulated– lost keys, brewing pots of coffee without remembering to add the coffee, not being able to plan or plant my Summer veggie garden…
Why? The end of my twenty-year marriage, pretty much… not knowing where I would be living… worrying about how everything was affecting my son… and myself. But I’m happy to report that things are looking up. The dust has settled and everything is moving forward in a happier direction. For everyone.
My son will be with me week on, week off, and I may just rediscover who Angela is during the off weeks. I will be moving into a cute little house in about thirty days and may even be in there in time to pop some summer veggies in the ground.
Speaking of ground, my new grounds will be quite downsized. I’m moving from a 1/4 acre lot to a .1 acre lot. This was actually a conscious decision on my part. Not only was I feeling like scaling back because of the economy and my new circumstances, but I wanted to move back to my old neighborhood in East Sac. I’ll be back in the Thrifty Fifties over by East Portal Park!
I have family nearby and would love it if my folks, who now live a couple blocks away from my Carmichael house, follow. There happen to be not one but two empty lots next to the new digs. I’m picturing adjoining gates… me helping them with their yard work… family parties… bike rides… dog walking chats…
I may not have as much space for gardening in the near future… and a giant sycamore currently dominates the backyard (more on that later)… but I still intend to pack that lot with as many of my current plants as possible. And if I need anything new, I can just ride my bike over to Talini’s.
Goodbye quantity, hello quality. Goodbye driving everywhere, hello biking and walking everywhere. Hello new chapter in my life.
I had no idea, but I am glad you sound happy to greet this next phase head-on. Looking forward to hearing more about the new digs!
Best wishes for this new time in your life!
Good luck with your new life. Your new garden may be smaller but small gardens have a way of creating lots of workW I do hope you have time to get a few veggies in – I am sure that it will feel like home very quickly. I look forward to ‘exploring’ your new garden.
Best wishes Sylvia (England)
Just lemme know when you need me, my shovel and my truck!And pots to move things in…
Wow – big changes! I join the others in wishing you well. Change is good. Smaller gardens are good
Especially this weedy time of year. Keep posting – I may be in your shoes soon – need inspiration. Onward and upward.
Wishing you well. And hoping that you post regularly on the development of your new garden.
Thanks for the well wishes, everyone. And Anon… yes, brains… slightly scrambled at times, but still crankin’. Heart too… slightly battered, but still thumpin’.
Are you taking your tree peony? I almost bought one at the SFGS last month but I stopped because I was afraid that the blowtorch summers would do it in. Where are you growing yours? Any shade?
Tree peonies do fine in Sacramento, Ralph! I inherited a beautiful red tree peony at my old house in East Sac. and that one was planted under trees on the east side of the house (morning sun, afternoon shade). My pink one gets afternoon shade for sure, and dappled sun in the morning. It’s planted in a bed with columbine, coral bells, ming fern, wallflower, etc. My old neighbors in East Sac. also had great success with herbaceous peonies. They planted them all along the east side of their house. Gorgeous.
Best wishes for the new chapter in your life! I am looking forward to seeing what you will be growing in your new garden.
This is your chance to take all that you have learned and create a better garden and life.
Take a piece of that tree peony with you! It is a beauty! Best of luck as you ‘branch out’ on your own.
Angela – though divorce is usually problematic in MANY ways, I’m relieved to learn that you’re not ill (which I feared) and that you sound in such optimistic spirits. With your exquisite photographs, your buoyant wit, and your good advice, you will be able to guide thousands of Small Yard gardeners who need good ideas. Hope you’ll teach us how to grow espaliered fruit trees, etc, in small spaces. I look forward to seeing what you will grow, and to hearing how you grow into your new life circumstances. May all good thing come to you.
Garden Gran
Thanks, everyone…
I have been thinking very much about how I’m going to squeeze all kinds of dwarf fruit trees (i.e. “fruit shrubs) into my new yard. Still hoping to pop some summer veggies in the ground the moment the house is vacant and I get my keys.
If all goes as planned, I will have keys by May 28. As soon as all the final, final papers go through, I will share photos of the house and yard. Don’t want to jinx anything.
Thank you so much for the well wishes. I am actually in a really, really good place right now and can’t believe my good fortune of late. From darkness to light is the simplest way I can explain it.
When the time is right, I’ll share more.
I love flowers and therefore want to thank you for your lovely photos.
Time to share more……