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Impractical Gifts for Garden Goofballs

In addition to the George Bush Garden Gnome Series, there are all kinds of great gifts for the wacky gardener in your life.

Trowel & Fork Earrings from Uncommon Goods

The WonderVase
They say it’s “The best gift ever!” Well, then what are you waiting for?!

Plant Pals
For the nature-starved office worker…

Gnome & Garden… a gnovelty kit
For the land-challenged gardener…

Snail Sculpture
These are just plain cool!icon
Worker’s Glove Planter/ Vase
I am equally drawn to and repelled by this.icon

Magic Wish Beans
I wonder if one of them says “Sprout”

Weeds Garden Stake
‘Cause let’s face it…

Get more… and perhaps more practical… gift ideas on Amy Stewart’s Dirt Blog.

Argh! I forgot to special-order fruit trees again…

Cut-off for Dave Wilson Nursery (DWN) special orders was in late November. Dang it, dang it, dang it. I could have pre-ordered a few varieties and then picked ’em up at my local nursery (see DWN website).

Capital Nursery #1
4700 Freeport Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95822
trees ordered from DWN

Capital Nursery #2
5410 Sunrise at Madison
Citrus Heights, CA 95822
trees ordered from DWN

Capital Nursery #3
8423 Elk Grove Blvd.
Elk Grove, CA 95758
trees ordered from DWN

Fair Oaks Blvd. Nursery
4414 Fair Oaks Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95825
trees ordered from DWN

Silverado Nursery
9297 Jackson Rd.
Sacramento, CA 95826
trees ordered from DWN

Windmill Nursery
5750 Windmill Way
Carmichael, CA 95608
trees ordered from DWN

I know I’m not going to find what I’m looking for now because I’m looking for a plumcot… and DWN lists what each nursery ordered on its website and I don’t see any plumcots. Oh, they’ll all have Pluots and Apriums coming out of their ears, but plumcots? Nada, zilch, zip. Why a plumcot? Because I once tasted an unbelievably fabulous one and for all the raving I hear about Pluots, I’ve never… ever… tasted one as good as that perfect plumcot.

I am still planning to install several trees in one hole, a la DWN, but may have to resort to mail order and desperate nursery-wanderings. I’m sure I’ll find a few nifty dwarf/semi-dwarf fruit varieties, but oh, the elusive plumcot.