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Oh, sod it all…

Quick update: The landscapers were shorted on their sod order so they couldn’t finish yesterday or today. Said sod comes from Lodi, so we must wait until tomorrow for lawn closure.

Meanwhile, I’ve been having fun fidgeting with my garden ornaments. Birdbath. Gazing ball. Firepit. Bird feeder hook thingy. Etc. I know it’s a little early to be placing the finishing touches, but I just couldn’t help myself. Plus, I can always move them again. And again.

Flowerbeds edged with Epic border, mow strip and veggie bed. They’re gonna hate me on Tuesday, when work resumes, cuz I’m gonna ask for the veggie beds to be shortened by around a foot so there’s more room to walk around them at the ends. A peachy colored crushed rock is going down in the pathways. Flagstone will be set in the crushed rock in the long, straight stretch near the house.
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